Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction: MBSR Course



I am delighted that you are interested in the 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course.


Attend in person or ONLINE August 8th 4.00pm – 6.30pm (ADELAIDE TIME) SOPHIA CENTRE, Cumberland Park

EARLY BIRD until July 8th

Day of Mindfulness: September 14th 9.30am – 3.30pm

The MBSR course is the gold star training created by Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts that remains the most scientifically researched mindfulness training course. 

With unparalleled support throughout the program, explore ways to reduce stress, enhance your physical and mental heath and live with greater ease.  

My name is Georgie Davidson and I have been teaching the internationally renowned, evidence-based Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course since 2010. I am accredited with the Mindfulness Teachers Institute of Australia (MTIA) and one of South Australia’s most experienced teachers.

As a teacher, I love bringing people together in a safe and supportive space to laugh, learn and grow. 

Is this course for you? 


  • You want to learn mindfulness from an experienced teacher following the gold standard MBSR training course. 
  • You want to come together with a group of people to laugh, learn and grow, with real experiences and important conversations.
  • You don’t have serious mental health issues that would make it difficult for you to participate in a group.  In this case, mindfulness may be beneficial for you with individual support from a mental health practitioner.
  • You’re feeling stuck in fatigue, stress, anxiety, depression, pain or physical health issues and want to build strategies to help you live with greater ease. 
  • OR You’ve been told that you will just need to live with your health issues but haven’t been given any strategies to show you how.
  • OR You want to build skills to better support the people you live or work with.
  • OR You have mindfulness experience and attending a MBSR course with a credentialed teacher is a pre-requisite to a teaching pathway. 

How can Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction help? 


By participating in the MBSR mindfulness based stress reduction course you will experience the practices, learnings and collaborative relationships that the course has delivered to many thousands across the world. 

Clinical and scientific research has been conducted over 30 years, demonstrating many potential benefits from participating in an MBSR course.

Potential benefits

  • Decreased physical symptoms
  • Better stress management
  • Decreased anxiety and depression
  • Increased energy, enthusiasm for life and motivation
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved memory and concentration
  • New health enhancing habits
  • Stronger immune system 

How does mindfulness work? Change occurs through 

  • Physiological regulation: learning how to calm down from “doing” mode into “being” mode
  • Emotional awareness: getting to know your own emotions and how to accept, explore and transform them
  • Cognitive flexibility: developing more concentration, clarity and less rigidity in your beliefs and attitudes 
  • Engagement with values: bringing what you care about into how you live
  • Behavioural change: experimenting with small changes leading to bigger shifts in life

This program delivers


Comprehensive learning opportunities and unparalleled support to ensure you get the most from the course. 

  • A safe, supportive and collaborative group environment
  • 8 weekly sessions of 2.5 hours 4.00pm – 6.30pm that include a range of practices, theory, optional opportunities to discuss what you are learning
  • A comprehensive course book that supports your learning over the 8 weeks and after the course is an ongoing resource
  • 10+ Audio recordings for you to download and keep including body scan, sitting practices and mindful movement
  • Links to relevant research papers and videos (optional)
  • A retreat day – 9.30am – 3.30pm in the comfort of your home or face to face in ADELAIDE at a lovely natural venue with afternoon tea included 
  • A pre-course interview: you can ask questions and discuss your reasons for attending (scheduled after booking is complete)
  • An optional mid-course 1:1 review of 15minutes
  • A post-course opportunity to be part of our community and attend retreat days at a low cost
  • A reference list to connect with ongoing supportive information
  • Completion of a pre-requisite for teacher training
  • Professional development points (26 hours of training)   

Course topics


Week 1     Recognising the present moment 

Week 2     Perception: how we make sense of the world  

Week 3     Turning in to the body 

Week 4     Stress and turning towards challenge 

Week 5     Finding perspective  

Retreat     A day of mindfulness (6 hours)

Week 6     Relationships and kindness 

Week 7     Values and action 

Week 8     Making mindfulness a part of your life

Hear from one of our students


“As a titled Pain and Musculoskeletal physiotherapist and busy business owner, I have to admit I had not been particularly open to mindfulness as a key clinical tool until I met Georgie and did her health professional training. I was so impressed and excited by the outcomes from the tools she shared, that I went on to do her 8 week MBSR training. 

Georgie’s courses provide very powerful training for our own self care as well as an excellent tools to engage with our patients and healthcare teams. Georgie has a delightful, and engaging way of blending excellence in best evidence based practice in the areas of mindfulness, mindful movement and pain education which she combines powerfully with contemporary clinical practice from her many years of patient treatment experience.” 

Julie Peacock
Titled Pain and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist.
  Owner and Principal Physiotherapist Marion Physiotherapy and Advanced Pain Solutions 



$695 early enrolment

Pay before July 8th

Pay after July 8th $795.00

Questions you may have about the program


How long do I have access to the materials?
You will receive a course manual to keep and ongoing access to the recordings. 

What happens if I miss one of the sessions? 
You will have the resources to continue your practice and you can request an individual session as a catch up. Sessions may be able to be recorded but this is dependent on permission from the group due to confidentiality issues. 

I don’t have much spare time. How will I manage the program? 
Arranging the time to do the course is a challenge for many people but making this effort is an important step towards taking better care of yourself. You may find that once you begin the practices your attention improves so you are better able to focus and your day goes more smoothly. The mindfulness practices can be loaded onto your phone so you can listen when you have a moments during your day. You are also provided with a weekly schedule to help you keep on track. 

What knowledge and experience do I need to get started? Do I need to have done some mindfulness training? 
All you need is a willingness to participate and learn new things. 

Will I receive a certificate? 
Yes. People often claim professional development points for the course. 

Can I claim some of the fee with my health insurance?  
Yes. You need to have extras cover for physiotherapy and pre-arrange an individual consult via zoom or face to face prior to the course.